Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The Hmong community, believe it or not, is a patriarchal society. Meaning, men dominate the women. Look at it how you want, but it's the truth.

I don't like patriarchy, in fact, I hate it.

I hate that men think that they have power over women, I hate that they think they have the right to disrespect us because we are different, or don't have balls.

Why? Didn't God make us equal?

But then again, even some Christians will say that men are more worthy than women.

I hate that some Hmong men still think it's ok to treat women with disrespect, treat her lower than dirt, and judge us like we don't belong or are unequal to them. Not all Hmong men are like this, but for those who are, I hope they learn that their way of thinking is wrong.

It is hard to switch someone's way of thinking, if it's something they have been taught ever since the day they were born, from the colors of clothing they wear, to the chores they do in the house.

Be open about it, look at it from a women's perspective, and I'm more than sure that we (women) look at it from the men's perspective too.

The bf always tries to make things equal, he never wants me to think that I am less than a guy or him. When I'm cooking, he cooks with me, when I'm washing the dishes, he's on the other side helping me. We do laundry together, just about everything together. He treats me with equality.

I don't know where he gets it from, his way of thinking that is, but I like it. I like that he can tell from right and wrong, how to treat a woman, and how to respect us even though we are different.

All men should be like that!

I hope that the Hmong men that are being born will not turn out to be brainwashed into the patriarchal society that we have, (not only Hmong society, American society, pretty much every society).

Let's try to stop that from happening, by educating them!


  1. Oh my gosh! I love you for this! Every time I mention to fellow Hmong peers about how patriarchal the Hmong culture is, they act as if I'm talking about a totally different culture.

    Nice blog you have here. Take care.


  2. lol really? I have those that understand and then those who don't get what I'm saying.. lol but I guess everyone is welcome to their opinions! Thank you for commenting! Shows me that people are actually reading it!!!
